Smart systems for the dairy industry

All modern dairy farmers are concerned of developing and running animal friendly operations while retaining optimal production and high-quality milk efficiently and controlling costs. Together with vets and feed advisors and with the support of barn equipment and technology, dairy farmers have been successful using automated systems. They offer an efficient way of working, with animal health as the guiding principle.

  • Free cow traffic and cow health: A healthy and stress-free cow is a productive cow. You can accomplish that with optimal freedom of movement for the cows – the animals decide themselves when to eat, drink, relax or be milked. This ensures a natural rhythm, stimulates the activity of the cows and leads to an improved milk production.
  • A more efficient and sustainable way of working: After implementing the smart dairy solutions, the farmers themselves are more flexibility in your day-to-day activities. Management systems link several business processes together (i.e. milking and feeding). This real-time information provides quick and efficient decision making within easy reach.